
Time is a Flat Circle: A metaphysical novel about dying

Created by Russell Nohelty

Larry Lizer has one life left in the multiverse, one week left to live it, and a guardian angel who will help him make sense of it all.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Books have shipped!!!
4 months ago – Mon, Jun 03, 2024 at 10:45:59 AM


Books came in over the weekend. I packed them most of yesterday and brought them to the post office this morning. 

There are still a few of you who need to fill out your survey, but since I've sent out the books in digital and print, I consider this one complete! 

Yay! If you need to fill out your survey, then you can get it sent to you below. 

I'm also part of an anthology called Cthulhu Fhcon. If you like Lovecraft and conventions, you might dig it. 

Finally, if you love Cthulhu and anthologies, then you might like the paperback release of Cthulhu is Hard to Spell. Laguna Studios is coming out with the final three paperback books in the series this week.

I know if feels like I have a million things going on, and that's only because I do, but we're nearing the end of this super productive period of my career. I don't have many more outstanding projects in my queue to launch for the first time. I do have a lot of retailer launches in the next year, but that's a whole different thing, I think. 

Thanks so much for all your support. 


Books have shipped from the printer!
4 months ago – Thu, May 30, 2024 at 08:32:21 AM


Books have shipped from the printer! I'm headed to a conference next week, but if they show up before I leave, I'll ship them out. 

There are still a few of you who haven't filled out their survey yet. I'm going to be contacting each of you who haven't filled it out yet, but if you are having trouble finding your survey, you can get it sent to you here. 

Look forward to getting these into your hands :) 


Backerkit surveys are out!
4 months ago – Tue, May 21, 2024 at 02:28:44 PM


Backerkit surveys are out! You should have them in your Kickstarter email address. Look for a survey with this subject. 

Response Needed -- Time is a Flat Circle: A metaphysical novel about dying

If you can't find, you can request a new one here.

Below, I'm going to tell you how to download your digital rewards again. Yes, I just told you yesterday, but I know nobody wants to go look for it. 

STEP 1: Log into your email and find your survey confirmation. If you type in survey confirmation Backerkit Russell or survey confirmation, you should be able to find it.

STEP 2: Scroll down.

STEP 3: At the bottom, there is a unique link to get back to your survey. Click it.

STEP 4: That link will take you to your survey. Once you finish your survey you will be taken to your survey confirmation page.

If you have ALREADY filled out the survey, then you can use the same link to get to your digital rewards.

(FYI: If you need to change your address, you can do it at this stage.)

Once you get to that page, then click the link for digital rewards.

STEP 5: BOOM! There they are.

There you have it! 

If you have a digital reward, then they should be fulfilled right now. Woot! 

I'll send more info when the books come in and I ship them out. 


Thank you! + Backer + Book orders have been placed :)
4 months ago – Sun, May 19, 2024 at 08:15:14 AM


Sorry it took me a couple of days to write this email, but I wanted to get everything set up before I let you know how thankful I am for you backing this campaign. 

This is one of my weirdest books, and very different from almost anything I've ever done before. I feel so honored to have such supportive, amazing fans. 

I do have some big updates to share with you. First, I sent books to the printer this morning. Combined with ordering shipping supplies, I'm hoping to be able to get this out to you soon. Maybe even by the end of the month. 

Second, I have submitted the Backerkit survey for review, and hope to get that out to you in the next couple of days. 

If you don't receive your survey in your KICKSTARTER email by the end of the week, not your personal if it's different, then you can go and request it sent to you.

This email will not come from me. It will come from Backerkit, and the subject will look something like this.

Response Needed -- Time is a Flat Circle: A metaphysical novel about dying

Below, I'm going to tell you how to download your digital rewards.

STEP 1: Log into your email and find your survey confirmation. If you type in survey confirmation Backerkit Russell or survey confirmation, you should be able to find it.

STEP 2: Scroll down.

STEP 3: At the bottom, there is a unique link to get back to your survey. Click it.

STEP 4: That link will take you to your survey. Once you finish your survey you will be taken to your survey confirmation page.

If you have ALREADY filled out the survey, then you can use the same link to get to your digital rewards.

(FYI: If you need to change your address, you can do it at this stage.)

Once you get to that page, then click the link for digital rewards.

STEP 5: BOOM! There they are.

There you have it! 

For those of you who have digital-only rewards, your orders should be fulfilled when you get the email from Backerkit. If you have any issues, please let me know.

Hope you love this book as much as I do!
